We are back - spring in Capri

Spring is invariably coming on here - we are back to resume our special blog on fashion and artisans in Capri, both in Capri and Anacapri. This year, we will include the Anacapri part as well, a secret haven to my mind. In the midst of a very green and lush surroundings, you will be able to take leisurely walks around town, view the shop windows of local artisans, and browse through stores that are tucked away in a subtropical paradise. Winter was rather strange this year, February brought a bit of snow and afterwards hail. But by now, the fig trees are growing leaves and the sun resumes its sparkling quality ... but see for yourselves ...
Fig trees grow leaves ... amidst the evergreen lush gardens of Capri.
Keeping you posted: The faraglioni just a few weeks earlier in February ...


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